
At the foot of the cross that brought about my salvation, by his blood He paid my ransom. The faith walk is a walk with the metaphorical Cross of Calvary over ones shoulder, a testimony of the Goodness and Mercies of God that follows all those who confess that which the Lord does to their lives, Trust and Believe in Him, not that the journey will be easy, but that it would be all worth it.

Why not make space for the Lord on my international website? there is only one name under the sun that deserves the highest honor, all praise, and worship, the name of our Lord, “JESUS CHRIST” the only begotten son of the True Living God. Hallelujah!

In Jesus name, Son of the great, “Je suis” … . 🙂 even French? I’m Lord of my craft and all that He’s made me to be. Jesus is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, He is not the Lord of the Slaves. He is the Lord who set the slaves free, and set upon them a crown of Glory to whom He found humble, good and faithful. Why should I not worship Him?